They started getting people from all over the world to help map all the information coming in about the situations on the ground in Haiti. He then said Google Maps didn’t have half of the capital of Haiti so they used Open Street Map. Then he showed an animation of the process of creating the map, very impressive.
They got Mission 4636, because they contacted Digi-Cell for a free SMS code so people could text Ushahidi. They then got a whole bunch of people to help translate the messages from Creole to English, so they got over 1200 volunteers. I liked that they looked at the correlation of text messages and damage caused by the earthquake, and there is a strong correlation.
I extremely enjoyed how he used case studies to see how things were done during the aftermath and the response to what happened in Haiti. Then he touched on some of the studies that were done by other people after the Haiti earthquake. One very interesting one was the locations of cell phones right before the earthquake compared to after to see the movement of the cell phones as crowds move. Overall I have to say that this presentation was my favorite in the series. I liked the whole initiative thing the group took to start helping out with Haiti. It was definitely a humanitarian effort for sure, it was caring for people you will most likely never meet. However, they had a huge impact on the whole humanitarian community because even the UN made references to the maps Ushahidi was using. THE UN PEOPLE, the UN ended up using the techniques and technologies that were used by non-profit organizations in future disasters. Imagine that people the UN stepped out of their old comfort zone to help people and holy smokes it worked.
This impressed me, this being Ushahidi, by far the coolest thing ever. Check out this video that illustrates the mapping project/process that was possible by yours truly Ushahidi.
Check this out! Sorry the video is not embeded but watch this.
This was all done because of some initiative people in a living room took. Awesome what people can accomplish in so little time.