Wednesday, August 24, 2011

About Me

My name is Evan Jarusewski. I am a senior at Penn State University: University Park majoring in Security and Risk Analysis with a concentration in Intelligence Analysis and Modeling.  I just completed my internship at the International Center for the Study of Terrorism (ICST) here in State College, PA.  I worked on a 3 year, $3 million project, called Comptetitive Adaptaion of Terrorist Networks (CATNet) for the ONR (Office of Naval Research). 
I am on Active Duty in the United States Navy in an Officers Program called the Bachelors Degree Completion Program (BDCP). After graduating from Penn State University, I will go to Officer Candidate School (OCS) to be commissioned in the Navy as an Ensign. Following my graduation and commissioning from OCS, I will go to Flight School in Pensacola, FL.

I am originally from Newville, PA a small town around Carlisle, PA but now I live in Castle Rock, CO. I graduated from Big Spring High School in 2008 and then started attending the greatest University in the country, Penn State!

I enjoy skiing and hiking 14ers (14,000 foot plus mountain peaks) in Colorado, not sure which is my favorite.   I have conquered a few of Colorado's highest peak, Grays Peak (14,270 feet) being the highest!

My career goal is to serve 20 years in the United States Navy as a Naval Aviator.  I also want to attend The United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program (SFTI program), which used to be known as United States Navy Fighter Weapons School, known to everyone as TOP GUN!  Then I want to become a US Navy Blue Angel. 

I signed up for SRA 397A: Crisis Informatics because I thought it looked very interesting.  The advertising for the class was great, grabbed my attention very quick!  When a natural disaster or man made disaster happens, I am usually glued to the news channels on TV.  I am always interested in what happened and how effective and timely the response was.  I like to talk about technology and how responders could use technology to increase their effectiveness.  The course has definitely lived up to my expectations in the types of conversations generated just on the first day.  It will be a change from the typical college course where you listen to the professor talk to themselves and the students just fall asleep on the desk.  This class seems to be the way the SRA program needs to lean towards instead of boring lecture classes that nobody seems to get anything out of at the end of the year. 

I am looking forward to talking about 9/11 around the 10 year anniversary.  That event in our county's history is the reason I am studying what I am studying at Penn State University!


  1. Evan,

    I will be reading and grading your blog posts starting after this one, and will be posing feedback in a comment as well as a rubric.

    Your career goals sound very cool. I will watch for you to be a Blue Angel one day. Thanks for introducing yourself and I look forward to reading more posts.

    Just a reminder don't forget to comment on 2 other blogs each week.

    Greg Traylor

  2. What up son son. I figured that my first post would be for my roommate. So basically figuring out how to get people's names to attach to the blog rolls is too much for tonight so we might as well start commenting away. So what we know about each other...well good times going to Penn State Greater Allegheny football, classes, Grimes...couldn't ask for a better roommate this year should be a blast. But as for this class the topics sound pretty interesting besides the fact that we have to read like 80 pages in pdf files tonight. However, this class should be cool because we are all going to be talking about some pretty intense current events such as the hurricane that just came through and the random earthquake last week? But yeah all this reading is going to be the death of me, but it will be worth it to have something to talk about in class. I feel like this class is set up very unique and will be a lot of fun to have a class that is like an open forum with no tests or quizzes. Also, I hope we get good grades in this class considering we are all the "ginnie pigs" as the teacher called us in order to test this new class out. Overall, I hope that this semester is filled with a lot of crazy world events so that we have interesting topics to cover during class. Also, our teacher seems pretty cool and I fell that this class will be fun and a good learning experience at the same time. This class should also give us something good to put on our resumes after this semester. Well, that's about it buddy time to crush another class together see you there buddy.

  3. You know how I could tell you're military with out having to actually read your blog? One, I'm dating you. Two, you used more acronyms in one paragraph than I've seen anywhere else in college for something that has to be done for a class. In regards to you watching the news after a natural disaster, let me ask you this…. WHEN ARE YOU NOT GLUED TO FOX NEWS ON A DAILY BASIS? HMMM? Every time I see you, you’re watching it or looking at it online. You are a news freak.
    Anyways, you wanting to be a pilot one day is awesome, kudos to you.. at least now you can speed and not get a ticket. (Not that you have gotten one or anything.) So, as I’m sitting right across from you I realized that I didn’t do my blog comments and I thought I’d do yours. Ha. Oh the good times we’ve had in SRA 311 and 468, this will no doubt be another hysterical semester with you and Jesse combined. I knew you grew up in Newville, and let me say that its an awesome little town, small enough for you to know and care about most of the people there, but big enough for people not to be all up in your business. I also am in love with your Camaro; ahhh I love her so much. Hope that this post was worth-while to read. Unfortunately, I have another sixty or so words to go, so I feel obligated to tell you that you forgot to mention the 430 bros, Finding Nemo, and that you’re obsessed with Breckenridge. When I say obsessed, I mean when you meet someone you always tell them about Breck for at least a good twenty minutes; granted, I love the place too, but you take it to a whole other level. And now I’ve reached the word limit ☺ Peace out, girl scout.
