Thursday, December 1, 2011

Personal Blog #4

I was reading a bunch of articles online at FoxNews’ website about current events. I was reading about the different issues with the earthquakes that were shaking Oklahoma. Then I stumbled upon a link about the Chinese Government having spent 1/3 of their National Capital Investment from 1967 to 1979 on a tunnel system throughout the country that houses nuclear warheads. The Chinese Government mobilized 300,000 citizens to dig the tunnels. The tunnels have the capability to roll a missile out of the tunnels then launch them off.

This can raise concerns for a war with the Chinese in the future. The Chinese have been developing and buying military assets from many countries. They are also building up a large number of military personnel. You might be wondering how this has to do with our class but it does in to an extent. If the United States or any other country gets into a dispute with China it could send the number one and number two world’s best Navy’s and militaries to war. I have learned that in history dating back to the BCE time, that the number one and number two Navy’s end up going to war at some point in time. This can happen if relations between the two countries go south. This could put a strain on the NGO world and Humanitarian world because of the destruction that these two countries could cause. It might be far fetched but it is possible especially with the fact that the top 2 navies end up fighting each other at some point in history. So because of this technology of tunnels for the Chinese to deploy missiles to all ends of their reach. This would cause lots of need for a humanitarian effort.

Thinking about the Chinese and their long system of tunnels has made me think about Iran’s Ambassador of Death (an unmanned drone bomber). Iran has been on the United States watch list for a crazy ass leader who recently in the past few months told the United Nations General Assembly that 9/11 Didn’t happen and a lot of other crazy stuff, which call shows how crazy and out of touch with the truth that the President of Iran is. He has threatened many lives in the past and continues to do so and does not seem to be developing weapons to show its might but to possibly use them in the future. If so I believe that the Iranian Government and their weapons could cause great destruction to the country they strike if they obtain the nuclear weapon.

The links below are the sites I used to obtain my information and some of the information I used I learned in my International Relations course (PL SC 014).

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